PixelSlaves Pro Clubs Stats
FC Onlyfriends
Road to elite
In belgium we don't say "what a shit game", we say "wa een gatspel" and I think that's beautiful.
Game stats
- 🎮 Total Games: 219
- 🟢 Wins: 95
- 🔴 Losses: 87
- 🟡 Draws: 37
- ⚽️ Goals: 554
- ❌ Goals Againts: 556
Club Stats
- 🏆 Promotions: 8
- 🔻 Relegations: 1
- 🔥 Win streak: 0
- ✅ Unbeaten streak: 1
- ⚽️ Most goals: L3FT3Y3D
- 🔀 Most assists: PuppyTheDj
- 📊 Skill rating: 1652
PuppyTheDj midfielder8.3
- 📢 Name: Zizou
- 📈 Games: 196
- ⚽️ Goals: 100
- 🔀 Assists: 135
- ➡️ Passes: 3122
- ➡️ Pass rate: 73%
- 🟥 Red cards: 10
- 👑 Motm: 45
L3FT3Y3D forward8.3
- 📢 Name: w. lanus
- 📈 Games: 190
- ⚽️ Goals: 158
- 🔀 Assists: 112
- ➡️ Passes: 2487
- ➡️ Pass rate: 77%
- 🟥 Red cards: 4
- 👑 Motm: 31
chevywuud_ forward7.9
- 📢 Name: LV
- 📈 Games: 205
- ⚽️ Goals: 150
- 🔀 Assists: 69
- ➡️ Passes: 2568
- ➡️ Pass rate: 78%
- 🟥 Red cards: 5
- 👑 Motm: 27
Anchelo95 forward7.6
- 📢 Name: C. Kopf
- 📈 Games: 203
- ⚽️ Goals: 64
- 🔀 Assists: 88
- ➡️ Passes: 2357
- ➡️ Pass rate: 68%
- 🟥 Red cards: 4
- 👑 Motm: 11
McCheesii forward7.1
- 📢 Name: chees
- 📈 Games: 75
- ⚽️ Goals: 26
- 🔀 Assists: 20
- ➡️ Passes: 499
- ➡️ Pass rate: 68%
- 🟥 Red cards: 0
- 👑 Motm: 2